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Parking Management Platform

Parking Management Platform

Centralize Your Parking Operations with MoWiz

Access all of the data from your parking access revenue control systems (PARCS), parking/enforcement hardware, and payment software vendors in one centralized location using MoWiz’s Parking Management Platform. All of the back offices you utilize to manage your parking operations can and should be housed in a single location so that you can access the information you need, when you need it.

More importantly, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about pricing, staffing, and consumer demand, backed by real time parking operations metrics, regardless of how many different software and hardware systems you have.

Your One-Stop-Shop for Parking Services

MoWiz’s Parking Management Platform, is a business control, auditing, and management platform. The main goal is to provide an open, transparent, and multidirectional communication interface for the parking manager that consolidates all of the connected parking parties through a single platform, keeping core business decisions under the parking manager’s purview. With that goal in mind, MoWiz’s Parking Management Platform was designed to integrate with an array of parking services back offices including:

Ticket Vendors
Parking Meters
Pay By Phone Providers
Rate Engines
Reservation Engines

Guidance Providers
Occupancy Maps
Wayfinding Providers

Enforcement Platforms
Ticket Transactions
White & Black Lists

Operations Management
Reporting Software
Open Data Management Software
Middle Park Governance

ParkXplorer: Software, Service, & Support

In addition to the ParkXplorer software, MoWiz provides additional support and services so that you can get the most out of the data and insights that are at your disposal within the parking management platform.

Whether or not you choose to employ MoWiz as a provider for any of your parking services, we are more than happy to develop integrations with your parking services vendors.

MoWiz offers a comprehensive training and support package for equipping your staff with the tools they need to navigate and wield ParkXplorer to your parking operations’ benefit.

Let our in house industry experts help you achieve your operational goals. Our team is equipped to guide you through operational transitions, portfolio expansions, new acquisitions, etc.

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